From Parrandas to Patron Saint Festivals: Puerto Rico’s Timeless Traditions
Some Puerto Rican traditions are so deeply rooted that, regardless of trends or the passage of time, they continue to be passed down from generation to generation.
Some Puerto Rican traditions are so deeply rooted that, regardless of trends or the passage of time, they continue to be passed down from generation to generation.
These are some of the most significant moments in the island's history that disrupted the holiday season.
The celebrations held in Puerto Rico are a mix of American holidays and celebrations of Catholic origin.
The US government has announced millions of dollars for other projects including solar farms and the installation of solar panels on low-income homes in Puerto Rico.
Governor Pierluisi stressed that the session will address essential areas such as critical infrastructure recovery, municipal concerns, and clarifications to recently passed laws.
During filming, which took place in New Jersey in early November, Adam Sandler approached López to greet him and ask if he was still playing basketball in Puerto Rico.
El pasado junio, Colón hizo historia al convertirse en la primera Miss Puerto Rico Universe en ser madre, pues tiene tres hijos, y sobrepasar los 20 y tantos años, ya que tiene 36.
DNA evidence suggests that approximately 60% of modern Puerto Ricans have Taíno ancestry. Today, Taíno-derived customs can be found in the Caribbean, especially among rural communities, such as the jíbaros.
The Committee's findings indicate that, although the fasteners had held up for decades, external forces like hurricanes exacerbated the issue.
Las personas entrevistadas por Floricua coincidieron en que aunque todas las elecciones son importantes, en esta ocasión hay unas problemáticas puntuales que llevaron a miles a las urnas.