Puerto Rico Could Lose $227M in Rental Assistance Funds

Puerto Rico-Rental Assistance-Federal Funds

Image via Shutterstock

By Mivette Vega

February 17, 2022

Since the aid has been available on the island, only 41,493 families have received it.

Puerto Rico is about to lose more than half of the $325 million it had available to help people who are having difficulty paying their rent and other basic utilities during the pandemic.

As of Jan. 31, 2022, the Public Housing Administration and the Puerto Rico Housing Department, the agencies in charge of distributing these funds, had disbursed $98.3 million to 41,493 families. That is only 33% of the total funds allocated, and if the remaining amount is not used by this coming April, it will be lost, according to the nonprofit organization Puerto Rico Legal Aid (PRLA).

Beneficiaries of rental assistance can receive aid for up to 15 months.

The $325 million also include $28.9 million for utility payments that go to the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority and the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority.

PRLA asked the government to carry out a more extensive educational campaign, so that people in need can apply between March and April.

“For some reason, government agencies and the government itself, for some things, go door-to-door to make announcements, whether it is the candidacy of x or y person, but for this type of program, those efforts are not made,” said Ariadna Godreau, executive director of PRLA.

People interested in applying for help can visit the website ayudaparaturenta.com or call 787-759-1888.





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