
Results for "economy"

About Us

ABOUT USFloricua is a civic media newsroom for Puerto Ricans in Florida. Our journalists write about nuestra comunidad unlike any other media organization—we give you the news “en arroz con habichuelas.” While other outlets focus on the big headlines, we aim to bring...

7 non-native species wreaking havoc in Florida

7 non-native species wreaking havoc in Florida

These non-native species are decimating populations of native species, harming our environment, and posing health risks to humans. Can you believe that there are over 500 non-native species in Florida? Our state’s warm climate makes it easy for many non-native plants...

Trump Wants to Cut Corporate Taxes Again

Trump Wants to Cut Corporate Taxes Again

Sixty-five percent of Americans believe corporate taxes should be raised and roughly six in 10 Americans said it bothered them a lot that corporations and some wealthy people “don’t pay their fair share,” according to a Pew survey. Donald Trump has other ideas.